Over 500,000 Pharmacy Techs Have Passed the Drug Store Service Technician Qualification Examination

The Drug Store metiska farma Professional Qualification Board (PTCB) is the biggest pharmacy tech accreditation organization in the UNITED STATE PTCB introduced last fall that 503,620 CPhT qualifications had been approved as of June 30, 2013. You must have a high school diploma (or comparable) as well as pass the thorough Pharmacy Service technician Certification Test (PTCE) in order to end up being a PTCB licensed drug store technology.

The PTCE is identified in all 50 states (and also Washington D.C.), and the PTCE is only pharmacy technician accreditation exam reviewed by the National Organization of Boards of Pharmacy. You can take the PTCE at any of the 237 Pearson VUE Expert Centers nationwide.

PTCB's certification program not just evaluates current understanding, it also calls for PTs to keep certification by satisfying particular proceeding education requirements. PTCB-certified drug store technologies have to finish a minimum of 20 hours of proceeding education and learning every two (2) year recertification cycle.

Statement from PTCB CEO

" Passing the half-million mark is an exciting turning point in the development of PTCB's across the country qualification program," stated PTCB Executive Supervisor and also Chief Executive Officer Everett B. McAllister, MPA, RPh. "The PTCB CPhT credential represents an outstanding path to employment possibility for pharmacy specialists. It enables them to remain current and be prepared to fulfill the demands of the occupation as our health care system evolves."

PTCE On A Regular Basis Updated to Mirror Demands of 21st Century Drug Store Market

The PTCE is additionally consistently updated in appointment with the National Organization of Boards of Pharmacy. Modern pharmacologists' obligations today include dramatically much more direct-patient care as well as drug treatment administration than in the past, as well as this fad is likely going to raise with the ongoing turn out of healthcare reform. This means PTCB-certified drug store professionals require to have additional training to develop the abilities essential to assist pharmacists boost patient care and also safety and security, support new drug store IT systems as well as pharmacy procedures.

Drug Store Specialist Training as well as Licensing

According to the UNITED STATE Bureau of Labor Statistics, most drug store tech training programs last from nine to 12 months as well as result in a professional certification. A couple of PT programs last 18 to 24 months and lead to an associate level. The majority of community colleges and also technical institutions supply a pharmacy specialist training program, and also some larger retail pharmacy chains use an in-house training program overseen by the American Culture of Health And Wellness System Pharmacists.

PT training programs cover the mathematics utilized in pharmacies, record maintaining, and also approaches of giving medications, as well as pharmacy legislation and values. Training generally concentrates in particular on the names, utilizes as well as correct dosages of common drugs. Nearly all pharmacy technology programs additionally offer at least a few weeks of scientific experience operating in a drug store after you have satisfactorily completed your preliminary training.